BUT. After reading this article from the Washington Post, I decided I needed to find a good word to become viral. And that word was DECENT.
Main Entry: de·cent
Pronunciation: \ˈdē-sənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin decent-, decens, present participle of decēre to be fitting; akin to Latin decus honor, dignus worthy, Greek dokein to seem, seem good
Date: 1539
I'm going to say my use of decent would be definition 4 or 5, possibly with a little more emphasis on fairly good. When I say decent, I say it bolded and in italics, like this, "That was some pretty decent baseball we just watched, guys."Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin decent-, decens, present participle of decēre to be fitting; akin to Latin decus honor, dignus worthy, Greek dokein to seem, seem good
Date: 1539
1. archaic a: appropriate b: well-formed : handsome
2 a: conforming to standards of propriety, good taste, or morality "decent behavior" b: modestly clothed
3: free from immodesty or obscenity "decent language"
4: fairly good : adequate, satisfactory "decent wages"
5: marked by moral integrity, kindness, and good will" hard-working and decent folks" " it's very decent of them to help"
2 a: conforming to standards of propriety, good taste, or morality "decent behavior" b: modestly clothed
3: free from immodesty or obscenity "decent language"
4: fairly good : adequate, satisfactory "decent wages"
5: marked by moral integrity, kindness, and good will
synonyms see chaste
— de·cent·ly adverb
For the ladies, one #46, Jacoby Ellsbury, getting on base:
Anyway, apparently it is getting viral, because Decent Pastry is keeping it real in Bangladesh. The real question is, how were those pastries? Decent?
Update, in fact - Ben says:
we went in there, basically to steal AC
and it was, in fact, totally decent.
not outstanding. a little pricey. not too too much variety. all in all, decent.
*Ben's blog, for more on round the world travels, is here: www.bengaddy.com/blog
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